Jane Adams PhD
3 min readAug 25, 2020


Should you send your kids to school during the pandemic?

When my kids were toddlers, almost everyone in their Montessori preschool classroom caught chicken pox all at once. One after another, they fell like like a train of dominoes the week before Thanksgiving, and I resigned myself to a particularly rotten holiday with two cranky, itchy kids and no relief in sight. At least not for me; for them I stocked up on calamine lotion, baby aspirin, oatmeal baths and popsicles.

As it turned out, my kids didn't get the pox until Christmas. which was when I first heard the term herd immunity in connection with the Thanksgiving…



Jane Adams PhD

Jane Adams is an author, coach and social psychologist whose books include "Boundary Issues" and "When Our Grown Kids Disappoint Us."